About Copyright
Copyright of texts, images, trademarks, products, company names, logos, etc. posted on APKMody’s website belongs to APKMody or to the respective property owners. These works may not be redirected or quoted without permission, except as permitted by copyright law, such as “copying for private use” or “quoting”.
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information posted on APKMody’s website, APKMody is not responsible for any user actions using information on this website. Under no circumstances will APKMody be liable for any damage or loss caused by users accessing this website. We respect copyright, comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act “DMCA” and other applicable copyright laws.
APKMody may terminate user access at any time if we receive valid notice. Repeat offenders will be permanently banned from our website.
If you see a violation of your right to upload intellectual property to the APKMody website without your consent, you may send details of the violation to [email protected]. You should refer to 17 USC §512 for compliance with the requirements of this law.
Attention APKMODY is a place where people with the same interest and passion for games, apps, talk about the joys of playing games and are not used for any commercial purposes. Therefore, we will not be responsible for any user-submitted content.